Coastal Cities Summit

Coastal Cities Summit

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Sharing Solutions for Success

From extreme weather to the economy, government, industry, NGOs and universities must share knowledge and collaborate to more effectively address growth, transportation issues, adapt to an increasingly changing climate and manage or restore the coasts, beaches, bays that support coastal tourism and economic growth.

To support these needs, the International Ocean Institute-USA, the University of South Florida College of Marine Science, and the City of St. Petersburg co-hosted the Coastal Cities Summit II on May 1-3, 2012. The Summit convened 60+ speakers from leading organizations and agencies in Barbados, Canada, Germany, Guatemala, Mexico, The Netherlands, Spain, Sri Lanka and United States to share new research, best practices and community case studies.View the program agenda or click below to see details for tracks.

Coastal Cities Summit Program 2012

Thanks to a grant from Summit Sponsor, the Royal Kingdom of the Netherlands, many of the presentations are hosted online. The sessions offer (still) valuable information about innovative programs, policies and best practices that address emerging challenges facing coastal cities. In each track, you will see a list of topics and can link to an entire album, or, to one speaker. Individual presentations are about 30 minutes and panels run 45 to 90 minutes.

Steering Committee


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Contact Information

International Ocean Institute - USA,

University of South Florida
 College of Marine Science

140 7th Ave South, St. Petersburg, FL 33701, USA |