This repo outlines a set of habitat-class ground truth data aggregated by USF-IMaRS for use in training of satellite image processing routines. Data provided by different sources is overviewed and standardized in the “Data Sources” reports. An exploration of the optical properties of each class is in “Class Reports”.
# Install librarian package if you haven't alreadyif (!requireNamespace("librarian", quietly =TRUE)) {install.packages("librarian")}library(librarian)shelf( dplyr, here, leaflet)
The 'cran_repo' argument in shelf() was not set, so it will use
cran_repo = '' by default.
To avoid this message, set the 'cran_repo' argument to a CRAN
mirror URL (see or set
'quiet = TRUE'.
Load NERRS data
data <-read.csv(here("data/dwc/mangrove-jobos.csv"))
# Create a color palettepal <-colorFactor(palette ="viridis", domain = data$occurrenceStatus)# Create the leaflet mapleaflet(data) %>%addTiles() %>%addCircleMarkers(~lon, ~lat,color =~pal(occurrenceStatus),radius =5,fillOpacity =0.8,popup =~paste("Occurrence Status:", occurrenceStatus) ) %>%addLegend("bottomright", pal = pal, values =~occurrenceStatus,title ="Occurrence Status",opacity =1 )