tryCatch({ plots <-list()for (station_name inunique(cruise_df$station)) { subset_df <-filter(cruise_df, station == station_name) plots[[station_name]] <-ggplot(subset_df, aes(x = time_elapsed)) +geom_point(aes(y = depth), color ="blue") +# Plot depth in bluegeom_line(aes(y = sea_water_pressure), color ="red") +# Plot sea water pressure in redggtitle(glue("{station_name}")) +theme(axis.title.x =element_blank(),axis.title.y =element_blank(),axis.text.x =element_blank(),axis.text.y =element_blank(),axis.ticks.x =element_blank(),axis.ticks.y =element_blank() ) # Remove individual axis titles and text }# drop nulls plots <- purrr::compact(plots)# Combine all plots into a grid combined_plot <-wrap_plots(plots) +plot_layout(ncol =4) +# Adjust ncol to set number of columns in the gridplot_annotation(title ="Depth (blue) and Pressure (red)",subtitle ="Each panel represents a different station",caption ="Time Elapsed (x-axis) vs Depth & Pressure (y-axis)" ) +theme(plot.tag =element_text(size =12, face ="bold"),plot.tag.position ="topleft",axis.title.x =element_text(margin =margin(t =10)),axis.title.y =element_text(margin =margin(r =10)) )print(combined_plot)}, error =function(er){print(er)});
plot across all stations
p <-ggplot(cruise_df, aes(x = time, y = depth, fill = station)) +geom_col() +# This creates the bars# geom_text(aes(label = station), vjust = -0.3) + # This adds labels to each bar, adjust vjust for positionlabs(x ="Time", y ="Depth", title ="Depth over Time by Station") +# Set labels and titletheme_minimal() # Use a minimal themeprint(p)
create oce.ctd objects from dataframes
ctd_load <-function(data, other_params =NULL) {# create csv into ctd object test_ctd <-as.ctd(salinity = data$sea_water_salinity,temperature = data$sea_water_temperature,pressure = data$sea_water_pressure,station = data$station )# add additional columns to ctd objectif (!is.null(other_params)) {for (param_name in other_params) { test_ctd <-oceSetData(object = test_ctd,name = param_name,value = data[[param_name]] ) } }print(glue("{data$station[1]}:\t{length(test_ctd@data$scan)} scans"))return(test_ctd)}# Define other parameters to addother_params <-c("cruise_id", "station", "time", "time_elapsed", "latitude", "longitude", "sea_water_electrical_conductivity", "CDOM", "dissolved_oxygen","oxygen_saturation", "chlorophyll_concentration", "chlorophyll_fluorescence", "photosynthetically_available_radiation", "beam_attenuation","beam_transmission", "depth", "sea_water_sigma_t","descent_rate", "sound_velocity","altimeter")# Split data by station and create data listctd_FK <- cruise_df %>%split(.$station) %>%map(~ctd_load(.x, other_params = other_params)) # ~ is a lambda(x)
for (i inseq(ctd_FK)){ cast <- ctd_FK[[i]] # 1 is selecting only the first sublist# print(i)print(glue("=== station: {cast@metadata$station[1]}"))print(glue("# scans: {length(cast@data$scan)}"))plotScan(cast)}
=== station: .12
# scans: 4193
=== station: .15
# scans: 10055
=== station: .18
# scans: 3423
=== station: .21-LK
# scans: 3445
=== station: .30
# scans: 3314
=== station: .31
# scans: 3535
=== station: .33
# scans: 2070
=== station: .41
# scans: 1968
=== station: .45
# scans: 2927
=== station: .47
# scans: 3754
=== station: .49
# scans: 758
=== station: .51
# scans: 1902
=== station: .53
# scans: 71
=== station: .54
# scans: 4
=== station: .55
# scans: 480
=== station: .56
# scans: 35
=== station: .57
# scans: 2094
=== station: .57_1
# scans: 1702
=== station: .57_2
# scans: 2182
=== station: .57_3
# scans: 1908
=== station: .58
# scans: 3583
=== station: .60
# scans: 1622
=== station: .64
# scans: 63
=== station: .65
# scans: 629
=== station: .68
# scans: 1047
=== station: .9
# scans: 5675
=== station: .9_5
# scans: 10321
=== station: .AMI1
# scans: 3187
=== station: .AMI2
# scans: 4677
=== station: .AMI3
# scans: 4650
=== station: .AMI4
# scans: 3116
=== station: .AMI5
# scans: 3763
=== station: .AMI6
# scans: 4178
=== station: .AMI7
# scans: 5025
=== station: .AMI8
# scans: 4605
=== station: .AMI9
# scans: 4828
=== station: .BG2
# scans: 3269
=== station: .BG3
# scans: 3279
=== station: .BG4
# scans: 6306
=== station: .CAL1
# scans: 1792
=== station: .CAL2
# scans: 1759
=== station: .CAL3
# scans: 2257
=== station: .CAL4
# scans: 3137
=== station: .CAL5
# scans: 4418
=== station: .CAL6
# scans: 4644
=== station: .GP5
# scans: 4308
=== station: .KW1
# scans: 2190
=== station: .KW2
# scans: 2324
=== station: .KW4
# scans: 2374
=== station: .MR
# scans: 6794
=== station: .RP1
# scans: 1822
=== station: .RP2
# scans: 2081
=== station: .RP3
# scans: 2456
=== station: .RP4
# scans: 3914
=== station: .TB1
# scans: 1926
=== station: .TB10
# scans: 4131
=== station: .TB2
# scans: 4965
=== station: .TB3
# scans: 4668
=== station: .TB4
# scans: 4415
=== station: .TB5
# scans: 3772
=== station: .V1
# scans: 2881
=== station: .V2
# scans: 2559
=== station: .V3
# scans: 2876
=== station: .V4
# scans: 3603
=== station: .V5
# scans: 3647
=== station: .V6
# scans: 4430
=== station: .V7
# scans: 3987
=== station: .V8
# scans: 3309
=== station: .V9
# scans: 5403
=== station: .WS
# scans: 1557
plotting each cast in the first list
for (i inseq(ctd_FK)){ cast <- ctd_FK[[i]] # 1 is selecting only the first sublisttryCatch({plot(ctdDecimate(ctdTrim(cast))) }, error =function(e){print(e) })}
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 4193' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 10055' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 3423' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 3445' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 3314' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 3535' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 2070' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 1968' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 2927' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 3754' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 1902' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 4' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 480' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 35' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 2094' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 1702' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 2182' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 1908' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 3583' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 1622' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 63' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 629' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 1047' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 5675' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 10321' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 3187' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 4677' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 4650' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 3116' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 3763' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 4178' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 5025' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 4605' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 4828' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 3269' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 3279' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 6306' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 1792' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 1759' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 2257' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 3137' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 4418' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 4644' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 4308' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 2190' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 2324' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 2374' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 6794' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 1822' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 2081' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 2456' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 3914' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 1926' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 4131' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 4965' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 4668' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 4415' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 3772' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 2881' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 2559' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 2876' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 3603' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 3647' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 4430' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 3987' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 3309' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 5403' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
<simpleError in !is.null(x@metadata$station) && !$station): 'length = 1557' in coercion to 'logical(1)'>
plotting other physical parameters for each cast
# Loop through each CTD castfor (i inseq(ctd_FK)){ cast <- ctd_FK[[i]] # Assuming each sublist contains only one relevant CTD objecttryCatch({# Extract metadata for station name and cruise ID station_name <- cast@metadata$station[1] cruise_id <- cast@data$cruise_id[1]# Generate a title with station name and cruise ID overall_title <- glue::glue("Station: {station_name}, Cruise ID: {cruise_id}")# Set margins: increase the outer margin for the titlepar(oma =c(0, 0, 3, 0)) # Top outer margin increased for title# Plotting function with specific parameters oce::plot(x =ctdDecimate(ctdTrim(cast)),which =c("sea_water_electrical_conductivity","descent_rate", "sound_velocity","sea_water_sigma_t","altimeter" ),main =""# No main title for individual subplots )# Place a single overall title at the top of the plot framemtext(overall_title, side =3, line =1, outer =TRUE, cex =1.5)# Reset outer margins to defaultpar(oma =c(0, 0, 0, 0)) }, error =function(e) {print(e$message) # Print any errors that occur during plotting })}
[1] "need finite 'xlim' values"
[1] "need finite 'xlim' values"
[1] "need finite 'xlim' values"
[1] "unknown xtype value (\"3.745881\")"
[1] "need finite 'xlim' values"
[1] "need finite 'xlim' values"
[1] "need finite 'xlim' values"
[1] "need finite 'xlim' values"
[1] "need finite 'xlim' values"
[1] "need finite 'xlim' values"
plotting other nutrient parameters for each cast
# Loop through each CTD castfor (i inseq(ctd_FK)){ cast <- ctd_FK[[i]] # Assuming each sublist contains only one relevant CTD objecttryCatch({# Extract metadata for station name and cruise ID station_name <- cast@metadata$station[1] cruise_id <- cast@data$cruise_id[1]# Generate a title with station name and cruise ID overall_title <- glue::glue("Station: {station_name}, Cruise ID: {cruise_id}")# Set margins: increase the outer margin for the titlepar(oma =c(0, 0, 3, 0)) # Top outer margin increased for title# Plotting function with specific parameters oce::plot(x =ctdDecimate(ctdTrim(cast)),which =c("CDOM", "dissolved_oxygen","oxygen_saturation","chlorophyll_concentration", "chlorophyll_fluorescence" ),main =""# No main title for individual subplots )# Place a single overall title at the top of the plot framemtext(overall_title, side =3, line =1, outer =TRUE, cex =1.5)# Reset outer margins to defaultpar(oma =c(0, 0, 0, 0)) }, error =function(e) {print(e$message) # Print any errors that occur during plotting })}
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
[1] "In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"CDOMdissolved_oxygenoxygen_saturationchlorophyll_concentrationchlorophyll_fluorescence\" cannot be handled"
plotting other optical parameters for each cast
# Loop through each CTD castfor (i inseq(ctd_FK)){ cast <- ctd_FK[[i]] # Assuming each sublist contains only one relevant CTD objecttryCatch({# Extract metadata for station name and cruise ID station_name <- cast@metadata$station[1] cruise_id <- cast@data$cruise_id[1]# Generate a title with station name and cruise ID overall_title <- glue::glue("Station: {station_name}, Cruise ID: {cruise_id}")# Set margins: increase the outer margin for the titlepar(oma =c(0, 0, 3, 0)) # Top outer margin increased for title# Plotting function with specific parameters oce::plot(x =ctdDecimate(ctdTrim(cast)),which =c("photosynthetically_available_radiation","beam_attenuation","beam_transmission" ),main =""# No main title for individual subplots )# Place a single overall title at the top of the plot framemtext(overall_title, side =3, line =1, outer =TRUE, cex =1.5)# Reset outer margins to defaultpar(oma =c(0, 0, 0, 0)) }, error =function(e) {print(e$message) # Print any errors that occur during plotting })}
[1] "need finite 'xlim' values"
[1] "need finite 'xlim' values"
[1] "unknown xtype value (\"1e-12\")"
loop through every cast, clean, & save
combined_df <-data.frame()for (i inseq(ctd_FK)){tryCatch({ cast <- ctd_FK[[i]] # 1 is selecting only the first sublist# print(class(cast))# clean cast trimmed_cast <-ctdTrim(cast) decimated_cast <-ctdDecimate(trimmed_cast, p =0.5) # binned to 0.5 m# convert to df cast_df < Add metadata# assumes station ID and cruise ID the same for all & just uses 1st one cast_df <-mutate( cast_df,station = cast@data$station[1],cruise_id = cast@data$cruise_id[1] )# drop NA rows left by cleaning cast_df <-subset(cast_df, ! Append the data to the combined dataframe combined_df <-rbind(combined_df, cast_df) }, error =function(e){print(glue("error in cast {cast@metadata$station[1]}"))print(e) })}# Save to CSVfile_path <-here(glue("data/cleaned/{cruise_id}.csv"))write.csv(combined_df, file_path, row.names =FALSE)