CARIACO Publications


Louca S., Scranton M.I., Taylor GT, Astor YM, Crowe S.A., Doebeli M.. 2019. Circumventing kinetics in biogeochemical models. Proc. Nat’l. Acad. Sci. (USA).

Bringué M., Pospelova V., Tappa E.J., Thunell R.. 2019. Dinoflagellate cyst production in the Cariaco Basin: A 12.5 year-long sediment trap study. Progress in Oceanography. 171:175-211.

Lorenzoni L, Thunell RC, Benitez-Nelson CR, Montes E, Varela R, Astor YM, Muller-Karger F. 2019. From land to the ocean: the interplay between allochthonous and autochthonous contribution to particles in nepheloid layers of the Cariaco Basin, Venezuela. JGR Biogeosciences.

Louca S., Astor YM, Doebeli M., Taylor G.T., Scranton M.I.. 2019. Microbial metabolite fluxes in a model marine anoxic ecosystem. Geobiology .

Muller-Karger F.E., Astor YM, Benitez-Nelson CR, Buck K.N, Fanning K.A, Lorenzoni L, Montes E, Rueda-Roa D, Scranton M.I., Tappa E et al.. 2019. The scientific legacy of the CARIACO Ocean Time-Series Program. Annual Reviews Marine Science. 11:413-437.


Rueda-Roa D, Ezer T, Muller-Karger F. 2018. Description and mechanisms of the mid-year upwelling in the southern Caribbean Sea from remote sensing and local data. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 6(2), 36

Suter EA, Pachiadaki M.G., Taylor GT, Astor YM, Edgcomb V.P.. 2018. Free-living chemoautotrophic and particle-attached heterotrophic prokaryotes dominate microbial assemblages along a pelagic marine redox gradient.. Environ. Microbiol.. 20(2):693-712.

Jurgens K., Taylor GT. 2018. Microbial ecology and biogeochemistry of oxygen-deficient water columns. Microbial Ecology of the Oceans. :231-288.

Bringué M., Thunell R., Pospelova V., Pinckney J.L., Romero O.E., Tappa E.J.. 2018. Physico-chemical and biological factors influencing dinoflagellate cyst production in the Cariaco Basin. Biogeosciences. 15(8):2325-2348.

Taylor GT, Suter EA, Pachiadaki M.G., Astor YM, Edgcomb V.P., Scranton MI. 2018. Temporal shifts in dominant sulfur-oxidizing chemoautotrophic populations across the Cariaco Basin’s redoxcline. Deep-Sea Res II. 156:80-96.


Cernadas-Martín S, Suter EA, Scranton MI, Astor Y, Taylor GT. 2017. Aerobic and anaerobic ammonium oxidizers in the Cariaco Basin: distributions of major taxa and nitrogen species across the redoxcline. Aquatic Microbial Ecology. 79

Lorenzoni L, Varela R, Rueda D, Muller-Karger F, Rojas J, Guzmán L, Astor Y, Montes E. 2017. Cambios Espaciales y Estacionales en la Hidrografia y Bioquimica de la Region de la Fosa de Cariaco. Mem. Fund. La Salle Cienc. Nat.. 74(181-182) Lorenzoni_etal_2017Cambios Hidrogr Bioquim Fosa de Cariaco.pdf (1.46 MB)

Marquez A, Dale A, Troccoli-Ghinaglia L, Lopez-Monroy F, Senior W, Rios A, Muller-Karger FE, Astor Y, Varela R. 2017. Carbon regeneration in the Cariaco Basin, Venezuela. Brazilian Journal of Oceanography. 65(1)

Medina L, Varela R, Vasquez F. 2017. Comparación de la temperatura, precipitación, velocidad media y dirección del viento medidas por dos estaciones meteorológicas, ubicadas en Punta de Piedras, isla de Margarita. Memoria de la Fundación La Salle de Ciencias Naturales. 74(181-182) Medina_etal_2017comparacion dos estaciones meteorologicas en Pta de Piedras.pdf (784.26 KB)

Astor Y, Lorenzoni L, Guzmán L, Fuentes G., Muller-Karger FM, Varela R, Scranton MI, Taylor GT, Thunell RC. 2017. Distribution and variability of the dissolved inorganic carbon system in the Cariaco Basin, Venezuela. Marine Chemistry. 195:15-26.

Gonzalez-Cebrero L, Varela R, Rojas-Marquez J. 2017. Eufausidos epipelagicos de la Fosa de Cariaco. Memoria de la Fundación La Salle de Ciencias Naturales. 74(181-182):125-141. Gonzalez_zooplankton_Memoria_2017_.pdf (990.21 KB)

Muller-Karger FE, Rueda-Roa D, Chavez FP, Kavanaugh MT, Roffer MA. 2017. Megaregions among the large marine ecosystems of the Americas. Environmental Development. 22:52-62. Muller-Karger_et_al_2017_Megaregions among the large marine ecosystems of the Americas.pdf (922.8 KB)

Neuer S., Benway H.M., Bates N., Carlson C.A., Church M., DeGrandpre M., Dunne J., Letelier R., Lomas M., Lorenzoni L et al.. 2017. Monitoring Ocean Change in the 21st Century. EOS.

Suter EA, Scranton MI, Chow S, Stinton D, Medina-Faull L, Taylor GT. 2017. Niskin bottle sample collection aliases microbial community composition and biogeochemical interpretation. Limnology and Oceanography. 62(2)

Astor Y, Guzmán L, Troccoli L, Lorenzoni L, Muller-Karger F. 2017. Síntesis de las tendencias de los parámetros oceanográficos y ópticos en la estación serie de tiempo CARIACO (enero 1996–diciembre 2013). Mem. Fund. La Salle Cienc. Nat.. 73(181-182) Astor_etal_Sintesis_Memoria_2017_.pdf (1.36 MB)

Lorenzoni L, Rueda D, Montes E, Varela R, Rojas J, Guzmán L, Astor Y, Muller-Karger FE. 2017. Spatial variability in factors that control the sinking flux of organic and inorganic particles in the Cariaco Basin: a vision from space. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 38(22)

Rueda-Roa D, Mendoza J, Muller-Karger F, Cardenas JJose, Achury A, Astor Y. 2017. Spatial variability of Spanish sardine (Sardinella aurita) abundance as related to the upwelling cycle off the southeastern Caribbean Sea. PLoS ONE. 12(6)


Guzmán L, Varela R, Muller-Karger F, Lorenzoni L. 2016. Bio-optical characteristics of a red tide induced by Mesodinium rubrum in the Cariaco Basin, Venezuela. Journal of Marine Systems. 160 Guzman_et_al_2016.pdf (1.26 MB)

Montes E, Muller-Karger FE, Lorenzoni L, Cianca A, Lomas M, Habtes S. 2016. Decadal variability in the oxygen inventory of North Atlantic Subtropical Underwater captured by sustained, long-term oceanographic time-series observations. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 30 Montes_etal_2016_small.pdf (547.97 KB)

Rodriguez-Mora M.J., Edgcomb V.P., Taylor C., Scranton M.I., Taylor G.T., Chistoserdov A.Y.. 2016. The Diversity of Sulfide Oxidation and Sulfate Reduction Genes Expressed by the Bacterial Communities of the Cariaco Basin, Venezuela. The Open Microbiology Journal . 10

Raven MReed, Sessions AL, Adkins JF, Thunell RC. 2016. Rapid organic matter sulfurization in sinking particles from the Cariaco Basin water column. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 190:175-190.

Koftayan-Khatchigian B. 2016. VARIACIÓN TEMPORAL DE LOS PARÁMETROS FISICOQUÍMICOS Y BIOLÓGICOS EN LA FOSA DE CARIACO DURANTE LOS AÑOS 2011-2012. Universidad de Oriente. Bachelor in Chemistry:54.


Lorenzoni L, Toro-Farmer G., Varela R, Guzmán L, Rojas J., Montes E, Muller-Karger FE. 2015. Characterization of phytoplankton variability in the Cariaco Basin using spectral, taxonomic and pigment data. Remote Sensing of Environment. 167 Lorenzoni_et_al_2015.pdf (1.42 MB)

McParland E, Benitez-Nelson CR, Taylor GT, Rollings A, Lorenzoni L. 2015. Cycling of suspended particulate phosphorus in the redoxcline of the Cariaco Basin. Marine Chemistry. 176 McParland_et_al_2015.pdf (1.06 MB)

Rodriguez-Mora MJ, Scranton MI, Taylor GT, Chistoserdov AY. 2015. The Dynamics of the bacterial diversity in the redox transition and anoxic zones of the Cariaco Basin assessed by parallel tag sequencing. FEMS microbiology ecology. 91(9)

Calvert S.E., Piper D.Z, Thunell RC, Astor Y. 2015. Elemental settling and burial fluxes in the Cariaco Basin. Marine Chemistry. 177 Calvert et al 2015 Marine Chemistry.pdf (2.21 MB)

Tanhua T, Orr J, Lorenzoni L, Hansson L. 2015. Increasing Ocean Carbon and Ocean Acidification. WMO Bulletin . 64(1):48-51. bulletin_64-1_en.pdf (17.25 MB)

Marshall BJ, Thunell RC, Spero HJ, Henehan MJ, Lorenzoni L, Astor Y. 2015. Morphometric and stable isotopic differentiation in Orbulina universa morphotypes from the Cariaco Basin, Venezuela. Marine Micropaleontology. 120 Marshall_et_al_2015.pdf (4.44 MB)

Irwin A.J, Finkel ZV, Muller-Karger FE, Troccoli L. 2015. Phytoplankton adapt to changing ocean environments. PNAS. 112 (18) Irwin_et_al_2015.pdf (700.74 KB)

Pinckney J., Benitez-Nelson CR, Thunell RC, Muller-Karger FE, Lorenzoni L, Troccoli L, Varela R. 2015. Phytoplankton community structure and depth distribution changes in the Cariaco Basin between 1996 and 2010. Deep Sea Research I. 101 Pinkney_et_al_2015.pdf (2.64 MB)


Levin LA, Liu K-K, Emeis K-C, Breitburg DL, Cloern J, Deutsch C, Giani M, Goffarth A, Hofmann EE, Lachkar Z et al.. 2014. Comparative biogeochemistry–ecosystem–human interactions on dynamic continental margins. Journal of Marine Systems. Levin_et_al_2014.pdf (1.48 MB)

Scranton MI, Taylor GT, Thunell RC, Benitez-Nelson CR, Muller-Karger FE, Fanning KA, Lorenzoni L, Montes E, Varela R, Astor Y. 2014. Interannual and decadal variability in the nutrient geochemistry of the Cariaco Basin.. Oceanography. 27(1) Scranton_et_al_2014.pdf (7.57 MB)

Astor Y, Guzmán L, Troccoli L, Lorenzoni L, Muller-Karger F. 2014. Síntesis de las tendencias de los parámetros oceanográficos y ópticos en la estación serie de tiempo CARIACO (enero 1996–diciembre 2013). Mem. Fund. La Salle Cienc. Nat.. 73(181-182)

Bates N, Astor Y, Church M, Currie K, González-Dávila M, Lorenzoni L, Muller-Karger FE, Olafsson J., Santana-Casiano J.M.. 2014. A time-series view of changing ocean chemistry due to ocean uptake of anthropogenic CO2 and ocean acidification.. Oceanography. 7(1):126–141. Bates_et_al_2014.pdf (2.09 MB)


Rodriguez-Mora MJ, Scranton MI, Taylor GT, Chistoserdov AY. 2013. Bacterial community composition in a large marine anoxic basin: a Cariaco Basin time-series survey. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 24 Rodriguez-Mora_et_al_2013.pdf (844.04 KB)

Montes E, Altabet M, Muller-Karger FE, Scranton MI, Thunell RC, Benitez-Nelson CR, Lorenzoni L, Astor Y. 2013. Biogenic nitrogen gas production at the oxic–anoxic interface in the Cariaco Basin, Venezuela. Biogeosciences. 10 Montes_etal_2013a.pdf (3.42 MB)

Bout-Roumazeilles V, Riboulleau A., E. Châtelet Adu, Lorenzoni L, Tribovillard N., Murray RW, Muller-Karger FE, Astor Y. 2013. Clay mineralogy of surface sediments as a tool for deciphering river contributions to the Cariaco Basin (Venezuela). Journal of Geophysical Research. 118 Bout-Roumazeilles_etal_2013.pdf (1.22 MB)

Wejnert KE, Thunell RC, Astor Y. 2013. Comparison of species-specific oxygen isotope paleotemperature equations: Sensitivity analysis using planktonic foraminifera from the Cariaco Basin, Venezuela. Marine Micropaleontology. 101 Wejnert et al. 2013 Mar Micro.pdf (2.6 MB)

Turich C, Schouten S, Thunell RC, Varela R, Astor Y, Wakeham SG. 2013. Comparison of TEX86 and UK′ 37 temperature proxies in sinking particles in theCariaco Basin. Deep Sea Research I. 78 Turich_et_al_2013.pdf (1.09 MB)

Mushida C.M, Troccoli L, Finkel Z.V, Muller-Karger FE, Irwin A.J. 2013. Environmental control of the dominant phytoplankton in the Cariaco basin: a hierarchical Bayesian approach.. Marine Biology Research. 9 Mutshinda_et_al_2013.pdf (641.63 KB)

Astor YM, Fanning K, Guzmán L, Li X, Lorenzoni L, Masserini R, Muller-Karger F, Tappa E, Varela R. 2013. Handbook of Methods for the Analysis of Oceanographic Parameters at the CARIACO Time-series Station. Serie Ciencia y Tecnologia. 12 Handbook_of_Methods_Oceanographic_Parameters_CARIACO.pdf (1.25 MB)

Bozo-Hurtado L, Garcia-Amado M.A., Chistoserdov A, Varela R, Narvaez J.J, Colwell R, Suarez P. 2013. Identification of bacteria in enrichment cultures of sulfate reducers in the Cariaco Basin water column employing Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis of 16S ribosomal RNA gene fragments. Aquatic Biosystems . 9(17) Bozo_et_al_2013.pdf (1.72 MB)

Astor Y, Lorenzoni L, Thunell RC, Varela R, Muller-Karger FE, Troccoli L, Taylor GT, Scranton MI, Tappa E, Rueda D. 2013. Interannual variability in sea surface temperature and fCO2 changes in the Cariaco Basin. Deep Sea Research II. Astor_et_al_2013.pdf (1.47 MB)

Samodurov A.S, Scranton MI, Astor Y, Ivanov L.I., Chukharev A.M., Belokopytov V.N., Globina L.V.. 2013. Modeling vertical exchange of heat, salt, and other dissolved substances in the Cariaco Basin. Deep Sea Research I. 71 Samodurov_et_al_2013.pdf (973.39 KB)

Marshall BJ, Thunell RC, Henehan MJ, Astor Y, Wejnert KE. 2013. Planktonic foraminiferal area density as a proxy for carbonate ion concentration: A calibration study using the Cariaco Basin ocean time series. Paleoceanography. 28 Marshall_et_al_2013.pdf (1002.88 KB)

Church M, Lomas M, Muller-Karger FE. 2013. Sea Change: Charting the course for biogeochemical ocean time series research in a new millennium. Deep Sea Res. II. 93:2-15. Church_et_al_2013.pdf (1.89 MB)

Montes E, Thunell RC, Muller-Karger FE, Tappa E, Lorenzoni L, Troccoli L, Astor Y, Varela R. 2013. Sources of δ15 N variability in sinking particulate nitrogen in the Cariaco Basin, Venezuela. Deep Sea Research II. Montes_etal_2013b.pdf (1.53 MB)

Rueda D, Muller-Karger FE. 2013. Southern Caribbean Upwelling System: characterization of sea surface temperature, Ekman forcing and chlorophyll concentration. Deep-Sea Res.. 78 Rueda-Roa_Muller-Karger_2013.pdf (4.93 MB)

Lorenzoni L, Taylor GT, Benitez-Nelson CR, Hansell D, Montes E, Masserini R, Fanning K, Varela R, Astor Y, Guzmán L et al.. 2013. Spatial and seasonal variability of dissolved organic matter in the Cariaco Basin. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 118 Lorenzoni_et_al_2013.pdf (2.35 MB)


Wakeham SG, Turich C, Schubotz F, Podlaska A, Li XN, Varela R, Astor Y, Saenz JP, Rush D, Damsté J SS et al.. 2012. Biomarkers, Chemistry and Microbiology show Chemoautotrophy in a Multilayer Chemocline in the CariacoBasin. Deep Sea Research. 1 Wakeham_et_al_2012.pdf (2.37 MB)

Orsi W, Edgcomb V, Faria J, Foissner W., Fowle W.H, Hohmann T., Suarez P, Taylor C., Taylor GT, Vdacny P et al.. 2012. Class Cariacotrichea, a novel ciliate taxon from the anoxic Cariaco Basin, Venezuela. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 62 Orsi_et_al_2012_Class Cariacotrichea a novel ciliate taxon from the anoxic Cariaco Basin Venezuela.pdf (1023.44 KB)

Li XN, Taylor GT, Astor Y, Varela R, Scranton MI. 2012. The conundrum between chemoautotrophic production and reductant and oxidant supply: A case study from the Cariaco Basin. Deep Sea Research. 1 Li_et_al_2012.pdf (405.68 KB)

Taylor GT, Muller-Karger FE, Thunell RC, Scranton MI, Astor Y, Troccoli L, Lorenzoni L, Fanning KA, Hameeda S, Doherty O. 2012. Ecosystem responses in the southern Caribbean Sea to global climate change. PNAS. 109(47) Taylor_et_al_2012.pdf (1.2 MB)

Ren H, Sigman D, Thunell RC, Prokopenko MG. 2012. Nitrogen isotopic composition of planktonic foraminifera from the modern ocean and recent sediments. Limnology and Oceanography. 57(4):1011–1024. Ren_et_al_2012.pdf (2.01 MB)

Lorenzoni L, Benitez-Nelson CR, Thunell RC, Hollander D, Varela R, Astor Y, Audemard FA, Muller-Karger FE. 2012. Potential role of event-driven sediment transport on sediment accumulation in the Cariaco Basin, Venezuela. Marine Geology. Lorenzoni_et_al_2012.pdf (425.8 KB)

Montes E, Muller-Karger FE, Thunell RC, Hollander D, Astor Y, Varela R, Soto I, Lorenzoni L. 2012. Vertical fluxes of particulate biogenic material through the euphotic and twilight zones in the Cariaco Basin, Venezuela. Deep Sea Research. 1 Montes_et_al_2012.pdf (1.16 MB)


Edgcomb V, Orsi W, Taylor GT, Vdacny P, Suarez P, Epstein S. 2011. Accessing marine protists from the anoxic Cariaco Basin.. The ISME Journal. Edgcomb_et_al_2011a.pdf (376.12 KB)

Lorenzoni L, Hu C, Arias G., Guzmán L, Muller-Karger FE. 2011. Bio-optical characteristics of Cariaco Basin (Caribbean Sea) waters.. Continental Shelf Research. 31 Lorenzoni_et_al_2011.pdf (1.79 MB)

Black D, Thunell RC, Wejnert K, Astor Y. 2011. Carbon isotope composition of Caribbean Sea surface waters: Response to the uptake of anthropogenic CO2. Geophysical Research Letters. 38 Black_et_al_2011.pdf (412.87 KB)

Garcia-Amado M.A., Bozo L, Astor Y, Chistoserdov A. 2011. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analyses of the vertical distribution and diversity of Vibrio spp. populations in the Cariaco Basin. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 77(2):347-352. Garcia_Amado_et_al_2011.pdf (393.96 KB)

Li XN, Cutter G.A, Thunell RC, Tappa E, III. W.P.Gilhooly, Lyons T.W, Astor Y, Scranton MI. 2011. Particulate sulfur species in th e water column of the Cariaco Basin. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 75 Li_et_al_2011.pdf (1.01 MB)

Edgcomb V, Orsi W, Bunge J, Jeon S, Christen R, Leslin C, Holder M, Taylor GT, Suarez P, Astor Y et al.. 2011. Protistan microbial observatory in the Cariaco Basin, Caribbean. I. Pyrosequencing vs Sanger insights into species richness. The ISME Journal. Edgcomb_et_al_2011b.pdf (775.61 KB)

Orsi W, Edgcomb V, Jeon S., Leslin C., Bunge J., Taylor GT, Varela R, Epstein S. 2011. Protistan microbial observatory in the Cariaco Basin, Caribbean. II. Habitat specialization.. The ISME Journal. Orsi_et_al_2011.pdf (1.14 MB)

Alvera-Azcarate A., Barth A., Weisberg R., Castañeda J.J, Vandenbulcke L., Beckers J.-M.. 2011. Thermocline characterisation in the Cariaco basin: A modelling study of the thermocline annual variation and its relation with winds and chlorophyll-a concentration.. Continental Shelf Research. 31 Alvera_et_al_2011.pdf (1.45 MB)


Muller-Karger FE, Varela R, Thunell RC, Scranton MI, Taylor GT, Astor Y, Benitez-Nelson CR, Lorenzoni L, Tappa E, Goñi M. et al.. 2010. The CARIACO Oceanographic Time Series. Carbon and Nutrient Fluxes in Continental Margins: A Global Synthesis.. :454-464. Muller_Karger_et_al_2010.pdf (645.12 KB)

Rasse R., Perez T, Giuliante A., Donoso L., Rojas A., Muller-Karger FE, Lorenzoni L. 2010. Dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) fluxes from tropical rivers and wet atmospheric deposition to the Cariaco Basin, Venezuela. SOLAS News. (10):4-5. Rasse_Solas_2010.pdf (713.58 KB)

Martinez N, Murray RW, Thunell RC, Peterson L.C, Muller-Karger FE, Lorenzoni L, Astor Y, Varela R. 2010. Local and regional geochemical signatures of surface sediments from the Cariaco Basin and Orinoco Delta, Venezuela. Geology. 38(2) Martinez_et_al_2010.pdf (298.46 KB)

Wakeham SG, Turich C, Taylor GT, Podlaska A., Scranton MI, Li XN, Varela R, Astor Y. 2010. Mid-chain methoxylated fatty acids within the chemocline of the Cariaco Basin: A chemoautotrophic source? Organic Geochemistry. 41 Wakeham_et_al_2010.pdf (1.78 MB)

Li XN, Gilhooly W.P, Zerkle A.L, Lyons T.W, Farquhar J., Werne J., Scranton MI. 2010. Stable sulfur isotopes in the water column of t he Cariaco Basin.. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 74 Li_et_al_2010.pdf (859.12 KB)


Marquez B., Díaz-Ramos J., Troccoli L., Marin B., Varela R. 2009. Density, biomass and composition of zooplankton in the surface layer of the Cariaco basin, Venezuela. Revista de Biología Marina y Oceanografía. 44(3) Marquez_et_al_2009.pdf (363.63 KB)

Virmani JI, Weisberg R.. 2009. Fish effects on ocean current observations in the Cariaco Basin. Journal of Geophysical Research. 114 Virmani_Weisberg_2009.pdf (4.52 MB)

Taylor GT, Thunell RC, Varela R, Benitez-Nelson CR, Astor Y. 2009. Hydrolytic ectoenzyme activity associated with suspended and sinking organic particles within the anoxic Cariaco Basin. Deep Sea Research I. 56 Taylor_et_al_2009.pdf (657.42 KB)

Lorenzoni L, Thunell RC, Benitez-Nelson CR, Hollander D, Martinez N, Tappa E, Varela R, Astor Y, Muller-Karger FE. 2009. The importance of subsurface nepheloid layers in transport and delivery of sediments to the eastern Cariaco Basin, Venezuela. Deep Sea Research I. 56(12) Lorenzoni_et_al_2009.pdf (1.13 MB)

Stoeck T, Behnke A, Christen R, Amaral-Zettler L, Rodriguez-Mora MJ, Chistoserdov A, Orsi W, Edgcomb V. 2009. Massively parallel tag sequencing reveals the complexity of anaerobic marine protistan communities. BMC Biology. Stoek_et_al_2009.pdf (2.48 MB)

Alvera-Azcárate A, Barth A., Weisberg R.. 2009. A nested model of the Cariaco Basin (Venezuela): description of the basin’s interior hydrography and interactions with the open ocean. Ocean Dynamics. 59 Alvera_et_al_2009.pdf (3.03 MB)

Goñi M., Aceves H., Benitez-Nelson CR, Tappa E, Thunell RC, Black D, Muller-Karger FE, Astor Y, Varela R. 2009. Oceanographic and climatologic controls on the compositions and fluxes of biogenic materials in the water column and sediments of the Cariaco Basin over the Late Holocene. Journal of Geophysical Research. 56(4) Goni_et_al_2009.pdf (957.91 KB)

Wejnert KE, Thunell RC, Benitez-Nelson CR. 2009. P/Ca in planktonic foraminifera as a new proxy for marine PO4: Results from the Cariaco Basin.. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 73(13) Wejnert et al. 2009.pdf (337.47 KB)

Elmore A., Thunell RC, Styles R., Black D, Murray RW, Martinez N, Astor Y. 2009. Quantifying the seasonal variations in fluvial and eolian sources of terrigenous material to Cariaco Basin, Venezuela. Journal of South American Earth Sciences. 27 Elmore_et_al_2009.pdf (644.77 KB)

Romero O.E, Thunell RC, Astor Y, Varela R. 2009. Seasonal and interannual dynamics in diatom production in the Cariaco Basin, Venezuela. Deep Sea Research I. 56(4) Romero_et_al_2009.pdf (595.01 KB)

McConnell M.C, Thunell RC, Lorenzoni L, Astor Y, Wright J.D. 2009. Seasonal variability in the salinity and oxygen isotopic composition of seawater from the Cariaco Basin, Venezuela: Implications for paleosalinity reconstructions. G3. 10(6) McConnell_et_al_2009.pdf (549.42 KB)


Percy D., Li XN, Taylor GT, Astor Y, Scranton MI. 2008. Controls on iron, manganese and intermediate oxidation state sulfur compounds in the Cariaco Basin. Marine Chemistry. 111 Percy_et_al_2008.pdf (1.33 MB)

Li XN, Taylor GT, Astor Y, Scranton MI. 2008. Relationship of sulfur speciation to hydrographic conditions and chemoautotrophic production in the Cariaco Basin. Marine Chemistry. 112 Li_et_al_2008.pdf (1.44 MB)

Thunell RC, Benitez-Nelson CR, Muller-Karger FE, Lorenzoni L, Fanning KA, Scranton MI, Varela R, Astor Y. 2008. Si cycle in the Cariaco Basin, Venezuela: Seasonal variability in silicate availability and the Si:C:N composition of sinking particles. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 22 Thunell_et_al_2008.pdf (1.61 MB)

Lin X, Scranton MI, Chistoserdov A, Varela R, Taylor GT. 2008. Spatiotemporal dynamics of bacterial populations in the anoxic Cariaco Basin. Limnology and Oceanography. 53(1) Lin_et_al_2008.pdf (980.09 KB)


Black D, Abahazi M.A, Thunell RC, Kaplan A., Tappa E, Peterson L. 2007. An 8-century tropical Atlantic SST record from the Cariaco Basin: Baseline variability, twentieth-century warming, and Atlantic hurricane frequency. Paleoceanography. 22 Black_et_al_2007.pdf (623.93 KB)

Lin X, Scranton MI, Varela R, Chistoserdov A, Taylor GT. 2007. Compositional responses of bacterial communities to redox gradients and grazing in the anoxic Cariaco Basin. Aquatic Microbial Ecology. 47 Lin_et_al_2007.pdf (761.2 KB)

Benitez-Nelson CR, Madden LPO’Neill, Styles RM, Thunell RC, Astor Y. 2007. Inorganic and organic sinking particulate phosphorus fluxes across the oxic/anoxic water column of Cariaco Basin, Venezuela. Marine Chemistry. 105 Benitez-Nelson_et_al_2007.pdf (889.2 KB)

Martinez N, Murray RW, Thunell RC, Peterson L, Muller-Karger FE, Astor Y, Varela R. 2007. Modern climate forcing of terrigenous deposition in the tropics (Cariaco Basin, Venezuela). Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 264 Martinez_et_al_2007.pdf (807.21 KB)

Tedesco K, Thunell RC, Astor Y, Muller-Karger FE. 2007. The oxygen isotope composition of planktonic foraminifera from the Cariaco Basin, Venezuela: seasonal and interannual variations. Marine Micropaleontology. 62 Tedesco_et_al_2007.pdf (1.62 MB)

Thunell RC, Benitez-Nelson CR, Varela R, Astor Y, Muller-Karger FE. 2007. Particulate Organic Carbon Fluxes Along Upwelling-Dominated Continental Margins: Rates and Mechanisms. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 21 Thunell_et_al_2007.pdf (1.3 MB)


Scranton MI, Astor Y, Percy D., Li X., Taylor GT. 2006. Biogeoquímica de la zona subóxica y anóxica en la Fosa de Cariaco.. Gayana. 70(6):83-86. Scranton_et_al_2006a.pdf (193.94 KB)

Goñi M., Thunell RC, Woodworth M.P., Muller-Karger FE. 2006. Changes in wind-driven upwelling during the last three centuries: Interocean teleconnections.. Geophysical Research Letters. 33(15)

Kessler J.D, Reeburgh W.S, Tyler S.C. 2006. Controls on Methane Concentration and Stable Isotope (δ2H-CH4 and δ13C-CH4) Distributions in the Water Columns of the Black Sea and Cariaco Basin. . Global Biogeochem. Cycles. 20 Kessler_et_al_2006.pdf (1.05 MB)

Taylor GT, Iabichella-Armas M., Varela R, Lin X, Scranton MI. 2006. Microbial Ecology of the Cariaco Basin’s oxic-anoxic interface: the U.S.-Venezuela CARIACO Times Series Program. . Past and Present Water Column Anoxia. :473-499. Taylor_et_al_2006.pdf (384.09 KB)

Stoeck T, Hayward B., Taylor GT, Varela R, Epstein S. 2006. A Multiple PCR-primer Approach to Access the Microeukaryotic Diversity in Environmental Samples.. Protist. 157 Stoeck_et_al_2006.pdf (408.21 KB)

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Muller-Karger FE, Varela R, Thunell RC, Scranton MI, Taylor GT, Capelo J, Astor Y, Tappa E, Akl J, Ho T-Y.. 2005. Características de la Fosa de Cariaco y su importancia desde el punto de vista oceanográfico.. Mem. Fund. La Salle Cienc. Nat., . 161-162 Muller_Karger_etal_2005_Características de la Fosa de Cariaco y su importancia desde el punto de vista oceanográfico..pdf (436.98 KB)

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Muller-Karger FE, Varela R, Thunell RC, Astor Y, Zhang H., Hu C.. 2004. Processes of Coastal Upwelling and Carbon Flux in the Cariaco Basin. Deep-Sea Res. II . 51:927-943. Muller_Karger_et_al_2004.pdf (566.17 KB)

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Hoo T-Y, Scranton MI, Taylor GT, Varela R, Thunell RC, Muller-Karger FE. 2002. Acetate cycling in the water column of the Cariaco Basin: Seasonal and vertical variability and implication for carbon cycling . Limnol. Oceanogr.. 47 Ho_et_al_2002.pdf (1.09 MB)

Scranton MI, Taylor GT, Astor Y, Muller-Karger FE. 2002. Comparison of the controls on the structure of the oxic/anoxic interface in the Cariaco Basin and the Black Sea. Second International Conference on Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea: Similarities and Differences of Two Interconnected Basins. I:628-634.

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Muller-Karger FE, Varela R, Thunell RC, Scranton MI, Bohrer R, Taylor GT, Capelo J, Astor Y, Tappa E, Ho T-Y et al.. 2001. Annual Cycle of Primary Production in the Cariaco Basin: Response to upwelling and implications for vertical export. J. of Geophys. Res.. 106(C3 ) Muller_Karger_et_al_2001.pdf (412.04 KB)

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Muller-Karger FE, Hu C, Akl J, Varela R. 2001. Validation of carbon flux and related products for SIMBIOS: the CARIACO continental margin time series and the Orinico River plume. SIMBIOS project 2001 Annual Report. . :101-106. Muller-Karger_SIMBIOS2000TM_2001.pdf (319.25 KB)


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Thunell RC, Varela R, Llano M, Collister J, Muller-Karger FE, Bohrer R. 2000. Organic carbon fluxes, degradation, and accumulation in an anoxic basin: sediment trap results from the Cariaco Basin.. Limnology and Oceanography. 45 (2) Thunell_et_al_2000.pdf (1.5 MB)

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Walsh JJ, Dieterle DA, Muller-Karger FE, Bohrer R, Bissett WP, Aparicio R, Varela R, Hochman HT, Schiller C, Diaz R et al.. 1999. Simulation of carbon/nitrogen cycling during spring upwelling in the Cariaco Basin.. J. Geophys. Res.. 104(C4) Walsh_et_al_1999.pdf (470.16 KB)

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