Parameter Reports

Reports for each reported water quality parameter.
(code) import libraries & functions
if (!requireNamespace("librarian", quietly = TRUE)) {
  # If not installed, install the package

data <- getData()


Using the clean data after completing Sites QC.

Available parameters:

(code) view unique parameters
# print unique values in `Parameter` column
unique_parameters <- unique(data$Parameter)
 [1] "Chlorophyll a"            "Ammonium (N)"            
 [3] "Nitrate-Nitrite (N)"      "Nitrite (N)"             
 [5] "Nitrate (N)"              "Orthophosphate (P)"      
 [7] "Silica"                   "Nitrogen- Total"         
 [9] "Nitrogen- Total Kjeldahl" "Phosphorus- Total"       
[11] "Turbidity"               
(code) view unique parameters
# # create a violin plot of `Value` grouped by each `Parameter`
# NOTE: this ran for 20min and never finished
# ggplot2::ggplot(df, aes(x=Parameter, y=Value)) +
#     geom_violin(trim=FALSE) +
#     theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) +
#     labs(title="Violin Plot of Values by Parameter",
#          x="Parameter",
#          y="Value")

# TODO: print n observations per parameter

Each parameter is filtered using the following min+max bounds.

print table of param bounds
# NOTE: each row should *exactly* match the unique_parameters above
csvPath <- "parameter_bounds.csv"

# Read the CSV data
data <- read.csv(csvPath, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# Print the data frame
                       param min   max
1  Ammonium (N)                0   6.0
2  Nitrate (N)                 0  10.0
3  Chlorophyll a               0  75.0
4  Nitrate-Nitrite (N)         0   8.0
5  Nitrite (N)                 0   0.5
6  Nitrogen- Total             0   6.0
7  Nitrogen- Total Kjeldahl    0   5.0
8  Orthophosphate (P)          0  10.0
9  Phosphorus- Total           0   2.0
10 Silica                      0  20.0
11 Turbidity                   0 200.0

Details on bound filtering and more info are in each parameter report listed below.